
 ComboBox fails in loaded SWF

A ComboBox used in a SWF that is loaded into a level or target may not display or function properly (for example, labels may not display or data bindings may be lost).

This is caused by the v2 component architecture. This issue usually occurs when using v2 components inside a child SWF that is loaded by a parent SWF.
這個問題是因為使用了 v2的組件架構,這通常會發生在含了 v2的組件架構的"子SWF",被載入到另一個"母SWF"裡。

Solution (解決方法)
Add an instance of the component to the Library of the parent SWF (the movie that loads the SWF content):
1. Drag an instance of the required component to the stage of the parent SWF.
1. 拖拉一個ComboBox的組件,到"母SWF"的場景上。             
2.Delete the on-stage instance, but do not delete the library item.
2. 在放入comboBox後,library元件庫裡會多了一個comboBox的元件,要保留元件庫裡的comboBox元件,但可把剛拖拉進場景的上的那個物件刪掉,如果沒有用到的話。

